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Sustainability: 6 tips for your everyday life

You want to live sustainably? With these tips, you can protect the environment every day and integrate sustainability into your everyday life!

Why a certain degree of sustainability is important is obvious. But living sustainably from one day to the next is not so easy. Behavioral patterns must be discarded, information researched and family members convinced. In this article, we show you simple and practical tips on how to integrate sustainability into your everyday life – without having to mutate into an eco-guru. Because sustainability is neither difficult nor expensive and often it is the small decisions in life that change the big picture. So, here we go!

Tip 1: Reduce your digital footprint

It’s hard to believe, but every activity or action has a direct or indirect impact on the environment. So does your digital life – from smartphones and Google searches to Netflix evenings or the use of other streaming services. To reduce your digital footprint, you can Switch search engine to Ecosia, for example or reduce your streaming usage and simply prefer a book to the series marathon. But the best part? On your ZENSPOTTING Session You don’t have to do without. Because we compensate the CO2 of all online live sessions and are therefore climate-neutral.

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Tip 2: Roll bags instead of paper bags

The good old jute bag. This tip may already be hanging out of your ears. But it is actually helpful to always have a small cloth bag in your pocket. For shopping, rolls or other everyday missions. It might also be worth digging the old backpack out of the far corner of your wardrobe. A backpack is not only back-friendly, but also provides sufficient storage space for any errands.

Tip 3: Flower meadow is the motto

Do you own a garden, a gazebo or have access to a green area? Actively promote more biodiversity and prefer a flower meadow to the meticulously mown lawn. So you not only create a habitat for insects, but at the same time save yourself work and reduce unnecessary noise.

Tip 4: Compensate for unavoidable emissions

As already mentioned, there is the possibility of CO2 compensation. How the principle works exactly, you will learn in our article “Compensating CO2: This is how it works!“.

However, compensation should not be a free pass, but above all reduce unavoidable emissions. The team of Mindful Mission has set itself the task of educating about the topic and supporting you concretely in calculating your CO2 footprint and offsetting CO2. Feel free to drop by and Let yourself be inspired !

Tip 5: Question and spread the word

When it comes to sustainability, it’s not so easy to get all the relevant information and find your way through the jumble of slogans and sales promises. Again, it is worthwhile to ask specifically and, if necessary, enter one or the other certificate into your search engine.

Have you found a sustainable product that you like and at the same time replaces a conventional product? Great! Now it’s time to spread the word! Tell your friends, family and work colleagues about your latest discovery. So you can mutually benefit from your knowledge and shape the world towards sustainability together.

Tip 6: The green account

The topic of sustainability does not stop at money. Sustainable banks such as GLS or Tomorrow explicitly ensure that neither lignite-fired power plants nor the arms industry are financed. At Tomorrow, your money is used exclusively sustainable projects financed. For example, you can also protect one square meter of rainforest with every euro you spend with your Tomorrow card. GLS Bank also uses its sustainability criteria to check the extent to which, for example, lending to a company is socially or ecological.

As you can see, it’s worth taking a look behind the scenes. Making sustainable decisions doesn’t mean giving up. It also doesn’t mean having to opt for a hippie lifestyle with a dropout character. There are now numerous brands, young start-ups and inspiring products that are fun and have the potential to change our world. Look for these alternatives and question the origin and production chain of your product. Motivate your fellow human beings and report on your latest discoveries.

Die Autorin

Die Autorin

Sarah Schömbs

"What we know is not much. What we do not know is immense."

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